Tuesday, December 16, 2008

gre barrons word list 47

tonsure : shaving of head , especially by person entering religious orders
me , karthik & himesh had a tonsure wen we entered into tirumala

topography : physical features of a region

*** torpor : lethargy , sluggishness , dormancy ( in telugu badakkam )
throughout the winter , nothing aroused the bear from his torpor

torque : twisting force

torrent : rushing stream , flood
during rainy season some times torrents occured in nandyal

torrid : passionate , hot or scrooching
romeo juliet posses a torrid love between them

*** tortuous : winding , full of curves
because this road is so tortuous , it is unwise to go faster than twenty miles an hour on it

totter : move unsteadily , sway , as if about to fall
in many films after drinking everyactor totters in the out skirts of bar

touchstone : stone used to test the fineness of gold
we find a touchstone in everygoldsmiths house

touchy : sensitive , irascible
do not discuss abt uncles family disputes , he feels touchy abt that

****** tout : publicize , praise excessively
i lost confidence in my broker after he touted some junk bonds that turned out to be a bad investment

toxic : poisinous

tract : pamphlet , a region of indefinite size
the king granted william a tract of land in new world

***** tractable : docile , easily managed
any faculty can be easily tractable by karthiks sega acts

traduce : explose to slander , defaming his reputation
many think that i traduced anudeep now a days

trajectory : path taken by the projectile

tranquility : calmness , peace
in shiridhi i felt a great atmosphere of tranquility

transcendent : surpassing , exceeding ordinary limits
praveen some times acts transcedently in the class , not giving enough respect the faculty deserves

transcribe : copy

transfigure : transform outwardly
the life of allari naresh transfigured a lot after he met sarvanand in gamyam film

**** transgression : violation of law , sin
harikrishna marrying many girls ia a transgression , but no one questioned it

transient : momentary , temporary
generally transient state lasts for a short time

transition : change of state frm one form to another

transitory : impermanent , fleeting
fame is transitory , see wat happened to kangana raunat in fashion movie

translucent : partly transparent
the seductive scene in jodha akbar is pisturised in translucent

transmute : change , convert to sum thing diff

transparent : easily detectable

transpired : be revealed , happen

transport : strong emotion

trappings : outward decorations
even proper trappings were not their in our decennial celeb's

** traumatic : perataining to an injury caused by violence
saidheeraj is feeling painful due 2 his traumatic

travail : painful mental or physical labour

traverse ; go through or across

travesty : a bad parody
after ramu amde RGV ki aag , many considered it as a huge traversty

** trek : travel & journey
i myself like trecking wit frnds

tremor : trembling , alight quiver
anusha had a tremor sum times

tremulous : trembling , wavering
goutham generally feels tremulous during his seminars

trenchant :forceful & vigorous

tribunal : court of justice

tribute : mark of respect : tax levied by ruler

tri-dent : three-pronged apear

trifling : trivial , unimportant
toady in awp period there is a trifling discussion

*** trite : hackneyed : commonplace

trivia : trifles , unimporatnt matters

troth : pledge of gud truth

*** truculence : aggressiveness , ferocity
umesh sum times unnecessarily becomes truculence

truism : self evident truth

truncate : cut the top off

tryst : meeting

turbid : muddy
many call me turbid its true

*** trubulence : state of violent agitation

** turmoil : in a state of grt confusion
i was in a grt turmoil wen i has decide between MS & MBA

turncoat :traitor , betrayes his own master
pradep rawat is a traitor in hanumanthu film

tutelage : guardian ship , training

tutelary : protective , pertaining to a guardian ship

tycoon : wealthy leader
vemana satish is a tycoon in rajampet now

typhoon ; tropical hurricane

tyranny : cruel govt
henry 4 s is a tyranny govt , so all want he to abdicate his throne

tyro : beginner
my dad is a tyro in typing master

ubiquitous : being everywhere
god is ubiquitous

Sunday, December 14, 2008

barroms word list 49

velocity : speed

venal : capable of being bribed
the venal police officer accepted the bribe from the speedy motor cyclist

vendetta : blood fued
the rival terrorists engaged in a bitter vendetta

vendor : seller

veneer : thin layer , cover

venerable : deserving high respect

venerate : revere
in tibet today ,the common people still venerate their traditional spiritual leader Dalai Lama

venial : forgivable , trivial
when i stole money in childhood every one considered it as a venial act

vension : the meet of deer

venom : posion , hatred

vent (N) : small opening , outlet

vent (v) : express , utter

ventarl : abdominal

ventriloquist : a memecry artist with a dummy doll in his hand

venture : risk , dare , undertake

venturesome : bold

venue : location

veracious *** : truthful
none is veracious always

veracity : truthfulness

verbalize : put into words

verbatim : word for word

verbitage : pompous array of words

verbose : wordy
wen any one gives trivikram a chance they ll be amazed of his verbosity

verdant : green , lush in vegetation

verdigris : green coating on copper that has been exposed to the weather

verge : border , edge

verisimilar : likely , having the appearence of truth

verisimilitude : appearnce of truth

veritable : sctual , being truly so

verity : quality of being true , lasting truth or principle

vernacular : living language , natural style

vernal : pertaining to string season
we may expect vernal showers all during the month of april

versatile : having many talents
kamal hasan is an versatile actor

vertex: summit

vertigo : severe dizziness

verve : enthusiasm , liveliness
himesh approached his studies with such verve thst it was imposiisble for him to do poorly

vestige : trace , remains

vex : annoy , distress

viable : practical or workable
some ideas worked very viable to us

viand : food
i prefer diff kinds of viands

vicissitude : change of fortune
due to recession all over global market many families hav undergone vicissitude

victuals : food

vie : compete , contend
politicians vie with one another competing for donations & votes

vigilant : watchfully awake , alert to spot danger

vigor : ective strength
in okka magadu film , although balayya is 70 yrs old , he had the vigor of a man in his prime

vignette : picture , short literary sketch

vilify : slander ( defamation )
politics is a place where each person villify others , it became a habit

vindicate : clear from blame , exonerate
i was vindiacted frm stealing after the amount was found in one corner of the wall

vindictive : out of revenge , malicious
today vindictiveness is growing heavily in many hearts

vintner : winemaker , seller of wine

viper : posinious snake

virile : manly
amul star voice of india complimented tussar kapoor that his voice is virile

virtual : in essence , practical

virtue : goodness , moral excellence , good quality
my grand mother ia an out come of virtue

virtuoso : highly skilled artist
rajini kanth is an virtuoso

virulent : extremely poisinous , bitter , hostile

virus : disease communicator

visage : face , appearance

visceral : felt in ones inner organs
she disliked the visceral sensations she had whenever she rode the roller coaster

viscid : adhesive , gluey

**** viscous : sticky , gluey

vise : tool for holding work in place

visionary : produced by imagination

vital : vibrant & lively , critical

vitiate : spoil the effect of , make inoperative

vitreous : pertaining to or resembling glass

vitriolic : corrosive , sarcastic

***** vituperative : abusive , scolding

vivacious : lively or animated

vivisection : act of dissecting into animals

vixen : female fox , ill-tempered woman

vociferous : clamorous , noisy

vogue : popular fashion

gre barrons 50 part 3

wizened : withered , shriveled

woe : deep , inconsolable grief , affliction , suffering
my mother had a great woe when i beat her 1st time in my life

wont : custom , habitual procedure
it become a wont for me to eat junk food every day

worldly : engrossed in matters of the earth , not so spiritual
bhargav in inter is not at all worldly , he always seems ascetic

wrangle : quarrel , obtain thr arguing
there has been a wrangle between two partners in seeds company

wrath : anger , fury
i never feel any warth on any one or never expressed it even i has some

wreak : inflict
i m afraid he will wreak his vengeance on the innocent as well as the guilty

wrench : pull , strain , twist

wrest : pull away , take violence

writ : written command issued by court
up to now i never got a writ

wry : twisted , with a humorous twist
there s a nice wry in the climax of all srinu vaitla 's films

xenophobia : fear of hatred of foreigners
when refugee arrived in america , he was unprepared for xenophobia he found there

yen : longing , urge , feeling like a desire
she had a yen to get away and live on her own for a while

yeoman: man owing small estate , middle class farmer
my grandafther is a yeoman long back

yoke : join together , unite
my desire is to yoke india & pakistan together

yokel : country bumpkin .
in my school age many called me yokel

yore : recollecting time past

zany : crazy , comic
charlie chappin's zany timing is awesome

zeal : eager enthusiasm

zealot : fanatic , showing excessive zeal
karthik reddy is zealot

zenith : great height , pointing towards the sky , summit
wen heroines are at their zenith , theycharge huge remunerations

zephyr : gentle breeze , west wind

Saturday, December 13, 2008

gre barrons word list 50 part 2

warranted : justified , authorized

warrens : tunnels in which rabbits live
karthiks rabbits does nt live in tunnels

wary *** : very cautious
people are becoming very wary because of the inc in bomb blasts

wastrel : profiligate

waylay : ambush , lie in wait

welt : mark for abeating or whipping
her husband beat her ruthlessly as many welts are present on her face

welter : turmoil , bewildering jumble
(turmoil : great confusion )

wheedle : cajole , wax , deceive by falttery
for political or personal bebefit many r wheedling at the minister

whelp : young wolf , dog , tiger

whet : sharpen , stimulate
whet ur brains , dr. abdul kalam suggested 2 all the students

whimsical*** : capricious , fanciful
karthik reddy is whimsical

whiff : hint
somu sir gave me a whiff in the lab , but i could nt grasped it

whinny : neigh like a horse
when i laughed through my nose , it sounded as if i whinned

whit : smallest speck
theres not a whit of intelligence or understanding in your observations

wily : cunning , artful
she is as wily as a fox in avoiding trouble

windfall : fallen fruit , unexpected lucky event
the selection for nat.conference is quite a windfall

winnow : sift , seperate good frm bad
generally campus interviews winnow out the students who r potentaial 4 that jobs

winsome ; agreeable , gracious , engaging
by hameeds winsome manner , he made himself liked by everyone who met him

wispy : thin , slight , barely discernible
worried abt preserving his few wispy tuffs of hair , himesh carefuuly masaged his scalp and applied hair restorer every day

wither : decay
cut flowers are beautiful for a day , but all too soon they wither

withhold : refuse to give , hold back
shop keeper withholded provisons to the customer unti he clear the previous accounts

withstand : standup against, successfully resist
our seniors withstanded abt the suuspensions of their classmates in dheerajs case

witless : foolish , idiotic
sum times charan behaves witlesslyyyy , really disgusting .......

wizardy : sorcery , magic
jadugar anand amazed the audiences with his wizardy

gre barrons word list 50 part 1

Friday, December 12, 2008

gre barrons word list 50

volatile : changeable , explosivee

volition : act of making a conscious choice

hameed always make a decision of volition

voluble : fluent , glib , talkative
karthik is voluble

voluminous : bulky , large
my body posture is voluminous

voracious : ravenous
the wolf is a voracious animal its hunger never gets satisfied

vouch safe : grant condescendingly , guarantee
ramoji rao guarnateed that all the funds in margadarsi will be given back to cuistomers with out any delay

voyeur : peeping into
our frnds peeped into a bedroom window on last december 31 st

vulnerable : susceptible to wounds
achilles was vulnerable only in his heel

vulpine : like a fox , crafty
she disliked his sly ways , but guaranteed him a certain vulpine intelligencee

waffle : speak equivocally abt an issue
in any debates all want to tlak in a waffable manner

waft : moved gently by wind or waves
sneha ullal moved waftly in intro scene in her debut film

waggish : mischevious , humorous , trickyy
praneeth is waggish

waif : homeless child
nagarjuna is a waif in mass film

waive : give up temporarily , yield
our HM waived her authority to our VP in her absence

wake : trail of ship or other object through water

wallow : roll in , indulge in , become helpless

wan : having a pale or sickly color , pallid

wanderlust : strong longing to travel
in my home no one hav much wanderlust

wane : decrease in size
ice cube

wax : increase in size
human beings , mammals

wangle : wiggle out , fake
balanna s brother wangled his certificates for job purpose

wanton : unrestarined , willfully mallicious , unchaste
the terrorists are wanton in nature